This gorgeous piece of petrified wood has been transformed into beads by the Sunapee Graniteworks in New Hampshire. My first shipment of beads sold in a matter of days, so I am on the hunt for more material. I am excited to have the opportunity to create something timeless to wear out of something that is already millions of years old. Talk about timeless!
Best of all, these are being made exclusively for Santa Fe Trail Jewelry. And since the material is plentiful it is still hard to find. Just eight more beads are being cut and polished and will be here in a few weeks.
As soon as I can gather more material, we will be creating more beads. As you can see, this is about a 4 lb. piece and only a handful of beads were made from it.
These beads are designed to fit most ‘bead on a bracelet’ systems. Being a Trollbeads dealer, some of my most treasured Trollbeads are the natural faceted stones. Amber is especially beautiful and meaningful next to petrified wood as it is also an ancient piece of once living trees.